The Journaling Buzz
Millions of blogs fight for readership. Thousands of writers create new ones every day. Not here. I don’t know how many hits my blog gets and don’t care. The purpose I have is not to make my writing stand out. My real audience is only one person. Yep, where I journal it’s all about me. The rest of the world’s bloggers have a daunting task, but I don’t strive to stand out in the crowd. My goal in writing is to stand away from the crowd. To write for myself. In fact, privacy is so important that the real writing takes place in a secluded spot, gets entered into a book, and then tucked away in a special place. When some problem keeps me awake at night or worries me in ways that interfere with more important things, I hash out the difficulty on the page. I use an archaic implement — a pen. By defining the problem, I deal with it. By putting it down on paper without outside influences or goals, the real purpose is served. I rest easier and find the energy to go out and create, not a buzz, but a real life.