Pencil Experiments
Using a variety of writing techniques will make journaling more interesting and revealing. Here are four writing methods that can help you get at the heart of a matter:
- Write a fan letter to yourself. People often are more considerate of others than they are to themselves. Take the time to nurture yourself and appreciate all your accomplishments. You have been braver than you realized. Though you were scared you managed to do wonderful things for yourself and others. You do not need to mail the letter to obtain the health benefits of writing, but this time consider actually mailing the letter. When you open the envelope, it can reinforce a sense of accomplishment.
- Rapid writing or stream of consciousness is meant to capture whatever bubbles up from the subconscious mind. Start writing about your favorite color or time of the year and then follow the connections wherever they take you.
- Consider writing play dialogue, using the present tense. It will amaze you how the dramatic format taps into feelings. Step into character. Create or recreate a conflict and then resolve it. This may help you find the emotions that lurk just below the surface.
- Or create a self dialogue between the inner and outer person. Let your inner self tell higher intelligence anything that needs to be said.
In future posts, I will explore other writing methods designed to help you relieve stress and create a better sense of awareness.